Monday, September 22, 2008

Testimony from Youth Rally

Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 01:27:12 -0400
Subject: many thanks!!!!

Hey Joe! we "finally" got home and our van was buzzing for 3.5 hours on the way home with excitement about what God is up to and what our youth are looking for in their faith journey and our church. In fact they decided that they are going to meet at our church at 8 a.m. to pray and intercede for our congregation. So, thanks for putting together a great day that spurred our kids into a deeper walk with their Heavenly Dad! We really appreciated all your hard work and the guys in the van that took the pizza really liked the snack on the way home.
AKA "Momma Bosh"

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Grace Ministries Scholarships

I am very proud to announce that three GM scholarhips were awarded this past Sunday; they were given to Joel Wuerch, Jordan renaud, and Lindsey kiss. I would also like to mention that we had strong applicants and found it hard to determine which applicant would be eligible for the awards. The scholarship committee, which was made up of Marc Holmes, Jan Lewis and myself, were all pleased to see the applicants put a lot of thought and effort into their applications. We, here at GM, want to encourage this generation to use their giftings and aspirations to futher the kingdom of God in their respective fields of studies. Congratulations to all of you, and this is just the beginning of what we hope will become annual scholarship awards. Citius, Altius, Fortius!

Alejandra Ward

Sunday, September 7, 2008


"Imitation of Christ," by Thomas A. Kempis

The Disciple: "How often, Lord, shall I resign myself? And in what shall I forsake myself?

The Voice of Christ: "Always, at every hour, in small matters as well as great, I expect nothing. In all things I wish you to be stripped of self. How otherwise can you be mine or I yours unless you be despoiled of your own will both inwardly and outwardly? The sooner you do this the better it will be for you, and the more fully and sincerely youdo it the more you will please Me and the greater gain you will merit. -------- Bk. 3, Chapter 37

Thursday, September 4, 2008

New Ushers

On September 3, 2008 the usher's ministry team had a meeting and are pleased to announce the addition of 3 new ushers to the ministry:
A very warm welcome to Joan Whittle, Steve Ouellette, and Dale Jones.
In addition, I would like to express a big THANK YOU to the existing Ushers for their time and commitment to serving at Grace Ministries as this is a ministry that continues to change to meet the continuing needs of the congregation.

In His Service,

Elder Marc