Hi there! So I thought I'd post a bit of the cool stuff God's been talking to me about lately for "your viewing pleasure". :) I've shared this revelation with a few people at Grace already but I think it's worth considering again (at least for me). I lifted this from some journaling I was doing so the Scripture references aren't there, because this is how it went in my head. If you're not sure where this stuff is found The Book, let me know (or look it up). ;)
The Lord gave us the model of prayer in the Gospels and there’s so much in there we miss because we simply know it by rote and repeat it without meditation. I was considering some other awesome truths of the Scripture when Holy Spirit made an incredible connection for me to The Prayer.
I am wanting to dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High continually as it says in Psalm 91 and I am working through getting revelation on how that happens. With everything, it’s by faith – I can enter the Holy of Holies anytime I choose, I can come boldly to the throne of grace, the veil is open, by faith I can ascend unto the third heaven, where sits the throne of my God, at any time. And Jesus is currently seated at the right hand of God, and he is far above all things, and he is in me! And I am in Christ, therefore I am currently seated at the right hand of God, yes? So, like Jesus, I can say I am in heaven but I am on the earth.
And then the prepositions struck me – in heaven, on the earth. One is IN heaven but ON the earth – heaven is the Lord’s throne and the earth is his footstool – you stand ON something with your feet, but you sit IN something, or dwell IN something. So if I am in heaven that means heaven is in me, right? The kingdom of heaven is within me as the Word says. The kingdom of heaven is at hand, on my lips, in my heart.
So now consider this: Let your kingdom come, let your will be done ON earth, as it is IN heaven. Same terminology. But here’s what the Spirit showed me, consider the pronoun "it'. I've always interpreted as representing the subject "Your will", so it would read: Let Your will be done on earth as Your will is in heaven. Now that I read it like that it sounds a bit clunky, actually, like it should have an extra "done" inserted before "heaven". And the Holy Spirit said, what if "it" was replaced by "earth" instead of "Your will"? So it would read: Let Your will be done on earth as EARTH is IN heaven. WOW. It doesn't sound clunky anymore and it opens up a whole nother realm of revelation! Are WE not made of earth? Our physical bodies were crafted from the dust of ground in Adam. Adam actually means "ruddy", or "earthy". So what I began to see here is that the place where the will of God begins to manifest consistently in our lives is when we "earthen vessels" begin to walk in the revelation that WE (earth) are IN (not on, in) heaven NOW.
So, when Jesus prays "let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" we can understand that to the same degree that we walk in the revelation that we are IN heaven, IN Christ, IN the Holy of Holies, IN the secret place of the Most High, that's the place and time, that's the same degree that His kingdom and His will is done or made manifest in our lives (on the earth)!
So cool.